Commission Portrait Artist
When I create portraits for clients I typically request 3 photos or more to work from. Working from multiple photographs is the closest to life drawing that long distance clients can get. Using multiple references, I am able to capture variations in the face and posture of the individual, to create a portrait that captures their essence more completely. I often do memorial pieces in which families will choose photos that are sentimental. Although they are not the best quality or resolution, they can still provide great detail into the life of a person. It is very illuminating and can be a positive experience to bring to grieving families. I will occasionally photograph my models in person, this allows me to set the portraits in a way that is better for referencing. I will be able to capture angles and expressions in lighting and settings that are more ideal.
WIP Base Sketch
WIP Base Sketch
WIP 2-4hr
WIP 2-4hr
WIP 4-10hr
WIP 4-10hr
WIP 6-24hr
WIP 6-24hr